Lazy S Ranch

Welcome to
Lazy S Ranch

Hello and welcome to the Lazy JS Ranch website! We are a family-based ranch located in Bowman, North Dakota, in a beautiful area of the southwest part of our state. We have been raising Quarter Horses for the past 65 years. Our horses have gone on to excel at ranch work and in arenas across the country. We have bred world show qualifiers, working cow horse and snaffle bit winners as well as reining, roping and barrel race winners. Most of our mares have been ridden and used for ranch work. We are AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeders so foals are eligible for those events.
This year our production sale will be held on Saturday, August 16, 2025, at Bowman Livestock Marketing, with the sale beginning at 6 p.m. MT. The sale will also be live-streamed on CattleUSA.
We strive to instill foundational training on our foals, working hard to make sure they are halter broke before leaving the ranch. All foals will have been tied, vaccinated, dewormed, and Coggins tested by sale day. We will be taking pictures of the foals at the end of June. You will be able to see pictures and videos of some of the foals at www.facebook.com/lazyjsranch. You will also be able to view pictures on the website on the sale entries tab.
The ranch is located seven miles NE of Bowman. Make sure you join us at the ranch on sale day and view the foals with their mothers. Lunch will be served so join us for some North Dakota hospitality! We look forward to seeing you on sale day, Saturday, August 16th!
Lazy S Ranch
Inquiries regarding cattle or horses contact:
Jason & Tressa Dodge
701-440-0714 (cattle info) or 701-440-0094 (horse info)
General Information:
Diana Silha
14104 83rd St. SW
Bowman, ND 58623
A Legacy of Ranch-raised Performance Horses
for the Arena, Show Ring and Ranch